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How long does it take to start seeing results?

How long does it take to start seeing results?

Being a personal trainer I get asked this question A LOT. Sometimes it’s difficult to answer because it really depends if you are sticking to the plan, what you’re eating and how hard you’re working during training, plus what is your goal; do you want to lose or gain weight? Is performance your goal?

If you want to lose weight and are sticking to a nutrition and training plan plus pushing yourself in each session then you will probably lose weight in the first week and be seeing some results within a month. People will usually start noticing after 2 months, depending on how much you have/want to lose of course.

If you want to gain weight however, it’s a much longer process especially if it’s mostly muscle. Building muscle takes time, hard work and lots of food. I actually find this harder than leaning down because you don’t see results so quickly and the whole process takes a lot longer. I’ve now been building since last October and currently starting to lean down to see what I’ve built. My last stage weight was 48.5kg so if I can be leaner but a little heavier I’ll be happy.

Pictures above are 2 YEARS difference. Starting at 47kg on the left — I was fit but not strong. On the right around 53kg, built some muscle and still fairly lean but on much more calories 🐷

Remember it takes years of consistency and hard work to build muscle and remember the saying nothing worth having comes easy.
If you want something in life you have to work hard for it right? Whether it’s a promotion at work or a university degree you have to put your head down and work hard in all aspects of life if you want to be successful. Gym is no different. To have an amazing physique you are happy with you have to put your head down, work hard and be consistent. 🤣

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