The Only 5 Supplements You Need to Help Build Muscle

There are dozens of supplement categories and hundreds of brands. It can all become a bit overwhelming. These are the only 5 supplements you need to build muscle.


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April flowers

Spring comes but once in a lifetime
The season of flowers
Birdsong and young lovers
When everything fits like a rhyme
We were young, we were in our prime
For one glorious hour
The petals held the power
Seemed like the age of the sublime
But a monster mother swallowed the sun
April flowers cut down in se’entyone

The sap was rising into bud
Promises that were made
Had to come to a head
The cry for change turned to a flood
Water flowed, then so did our blood
Rivers were running red
Tears were all we could shed
Melted snow was turning to mud
Power came from the barrel of a gun
April flowers cut down in se’entyone

Girls and boys came out to play
Brave colours were flying
But there’d been some lying
Stars fell down to earth, led astray
And storm clouds turned the skies steel gray
The right time for crying
The time ripe for dying
A few spared for another day
We took to the hills, living on the run
April flowers cut down in se’entyone

First fruits are marked for sacrifice
They offer up the best
For the sake of the rest
Our generation paid the price
That month of innocence and ice
The pigs mowed down the blest
It was a grim harvest
No chance against that loaded dice
The future is paid for by the children
April flowers cut down in se’entyone

There are no fools like April fools
They took us for a ride
We got hit from all sides
We believed all they taught in school
But laws are made for those who rule
Don’t pray for those who died
Pray for those who survived
Death’s a relief when life is cruel
Our song was sung before it was begun
April flowers cut down in se’entyone

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