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How To Go About Writing

Writing tips

It's all about sex, apparently

Image by Ferdinand Studio on Unsplash

People sometimes ask me what my approach to writing is, how exactly do I go about it? I wish I had a pat answer I really do. The problem is I constantly change from day to day, from hour to hour.

(I could see from the look in her eyes that she was game for it....)

I almost never make any detailed plans, being a firm believer that life is what happens while your busy making other plans. Writing too is something that just happens whilst I am busy making other plans or doing other things.

Once I get the initial idea I just get my head down and make it up as I type. There is no plan to follow. I just follow my heart and my mind. I write about things that interest me, about things I am curious about, things that I want to get off my chest and out of my head. I suppose it's what is called a stream of consciousness. I just open the mind tap and out flow the words and sentences, the ideas and feelings. Sometimes I can get all the way to the end, and other times I have to leave the idea in draft to work on later.

(She deftly pulled back the silk sheets, to reveal.....)

I hear many times that you have to write for your audience, but seriously, I think like all writers I write for myself and hope that it is of interest for some sort of audience. And, if I am honest, I hope that it is of sufficient interest to fulfil one or two objectives, not the least of which is to make some money. If I can do that and at the same time help other writers to up their game and be a…

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